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Florida Mortgage Experts

Educate and Inform consumers about Florida Mortgages

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Mortgage Credit Scoring

Why is my mortgage score lower when a mortgage company pulls my credit report?

There are several credit scoring models used by different organizations and industries to assess an individual’s creditworthiness. The two most widely recognized and used credit scoring models in the United States are the FICO score and the VantageScore. These models have various versions and iterations, each designed for specific purposes, such as mortgage lending, credit cards, or auto loans.

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florida mortgage experts, florida mortgage, florida mortgage rate quotes, florida mortgage rates, florida mortgage programs,
florida mortgage experts, florida mortgage, florida mortgage rate quotes, florida mortgage rates, florida mortgage programs,
florida mortgage experts, florida mortgage, florida mortgage rate quotes, florida mortgage rates, florida mortgage programs,

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Get information on mortgage programs, mortgage rates and learn what mortgage program is the best fit your specific financial situation. 

Mortgage Experts

With over 20 years of mortgage experience, we know the mortgage programs, the mortgage markets and the Florida neighborhoods.

Mortgage Rate Quotes

Get mortgage rate quotes for home purchases and refinances with no personal information needed. See todays rate and closing costs.

The Mortgage Process

Learn the mortgage process for home purchases and refinances. See what to expect and the timeline for each transaction type.

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